By Wayne Allyn Root
Obviously, the new Democrat plan to destroy the Trump presidency and the Trump agenda is to use federal judges to block everything that Trump is doing to “make America great again.”
These judges are “resistance judges” assigned to lead this Deep State coup against President Trump.
At the top of the Trump agenda is to secure the border, stop the foreign invasion of America, stop the gangs and drugs, and deport the bad guys out of the USA. The “resistance judges” number one job is to stop him.
So, I want to share my idea for how President Trump can beat these judges at their own game.
First, I want to state my gut instinct once again- this is not just about poisonous communist ideology, or mental illness. This is about bribes and payoffs. These “resistance judges” are so desperate to keep the border open, and the drugs flowing, and to keep the foreign invaders inside the USA, because the judges are on the payroll of China, the CCP and the Mexican Drug Cartels.
These judges are getting filthy rich by blocking the Trump agenda.
The way to uncover the fraud, treason and corruption by these dirty judges is to attack them with forensic audits of their budgets, bank accounts, assets, and lifestyle compared to their modest judicial salaries.
Let’s sick armies of accountants, IRS agents and Treasury Dept auditors on them.
Secondly, demand these judges take lie detector tests.
If they fail, their careers on the bench are over. If they refuse to take it, their careers on the bench are over. The same things that happen when police pull over suspected drunk drivers.
But in the meantime, here is my plan for stopping these traitor communist “resistance judges” dead in their tracks….
Officially declare a “National Security Emergency” and with it…
Officially declare war.
Not on the judges…on the border. And since President Trump loves branding, here is the memorable brand. Name this official war…
“The Great American Border Wars.”
This is no different than WW2, or Vietnam, or the Iraq War…
Or perhaps the best comparison is the Ukraine war that the Deep State and liberals love so much. Just like Russian troops invaded Ukraine, America has been invaded by a foreign army of millions out to destroy our country, our security, and our way of life.
This is a life-and-death battle to save America and the American people.
We have multiple wars being waged at the same time, all under the umbrella of “The Great American Border Wars.”
*A war to defend our sovereignty and secure the border.
*A war vs. drug trafficking, human trafficking and sex trafficking.
*A war vs. the Mexican Drug Cartels who carry out all of this trafficking. President Trump has already designated these gangs as “terrorist organizations.” But he has not officially declared war on these gangs. Do it.
*Declare war vs. specific trans-national gangs like MS-13 and Tren de Aragua..
*Declare war vs. Chinese fentanyl producers who flood our country with a drug that kills almost 100,000 Americans a year. Isn’t that an act of war? 100,000 dead Americans in a year is more than all the dead Americans in the decade-long Vietnam War.
*Declare war vs. terrorism and terrorists from Hamas and Hezbollah coming across our border.
*Declare the illegal alien foreign invasion officially a war against our U.S. population. Not only are these foreign invaders murdering, raping, assaulting and robbing our American-born citizens, they are overwhelming our state, local and federal budgets, leaving no money for American citizens.
*Declare a war vs. the exploding national debt created by this illegal foreign invasion.
*Declare the mass deportation of millions of invaders illegally in our country as a war-like humanitarian crisis, criminal justice system crisis, healthcare crisis and education crisis. They must be removed before the whole system collapses.
*Declare a war vs. third world diseases these foreign invaders bring to our country- including TB and measles outbreaks going on right now.
We are fighting a dozen wars at once. This is “The Great American Border Wars.”
What’s the point? Now President Trump is officially Commander-in-Chief at a time of war, and his policies and Executive Actions are “war decisions.”
No judge in American history has ever been allowed to block war decisions, made in a time of war, by a Commander-in-chief, or his generals.
Google it. Here is what comes up…
“No, in a time of officially declared war, a judge’s role is to uphold the law and ensure the Constitution is followed, not to directly intervene in war decisions made by the Commander-in-Chief or Generals…the President leads the military in carrying out the war…The Constitution grants the President, as Commander-in-Chief, broad authority to direct the military, including in wartime….Courts cannot simply overturn military decisions made by the Commander-in-Chief or Generals.”
Now President Trump is protected. The Deep State and communist “resistance judges” can no longer interfere.
But, to officially declare war, a President needs Congress to approve an official declaration of war. Go get it.
The GOP controls both the House and Senate. I dare one GOP Congressman or Senator to vote “NO” on a war to secure our borders, protect our national security, and keep our citizens safe from domestic terrorism. Any “NO” vote by any GOP member of the House or Senate is a career-ender.
It’s like a vote against Apple pie and mother’s milk.
And of course, it forces Democrats to publicly vote “NO” against protecting the American people from drug trafficking, human trafficking and child sex trafficking. Good luck in the midterms.
Mr. President, this is how you protect your every move about securing the border, illegal immigration, and mass deportation.
You are now a Commander-in-Chief at a time of war and a “National Security Emergency.” And no judge can stop you.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, businessman, best-selling author, and national conservative TV and radio host who has interviewed President Trump 16 times. Watch Wayne’s TV show “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV at Noon ET on Saturdays and his video podcast “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” at Untamed Nation.com and Rumble.com daily from 6 PM to 8 PM ET daily. His web site is ROOTforAmerica.com. Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages. The joke is on Democrats!
The post WAYNE ROOT: Mr. President, Here is How to Stop Radical, Communist, Treasonous, Deep State “Resistance Judges” Dead in Their Tracks: Officially Declare War! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.