J6 political prisoner Samuel Fisher went to Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021, to exercise his free speech alongside his fellow Americans.
While Soros-funded DAs across the country, like New York’s Alvin Bragg, let hardened and violent criminals out to victimize citizens on little to no bail, they have no problem targeting their political opponents.
Although Fisher’s charges for J6 were for Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building (1) Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building (2), an armed raid on his home led to additional charges, unrelated to January 6, and he was held on a $400,000 dollar bond.
This is the same DA office that released illegal immigrants who viciously attacked NYPD officers without the requirement of bail.
Sam recently sent an update to The Gateway Pundit.
Please help Sam here.
My name is Samuel Fisher, and I may be the last January 6 defendant to find relief from democrat lawfare.
Aside from January 6, I have no criminal history.
The initial criminal complaint had to do with entering and remaining on restricted grounds and disorderly conduct. Both misdemeanors. These ficticious misdemeanor charges we now were derived from a large-scale entrapment operation known as January 6.
The magistrate judge and the grand jury were shown cherry-picked evidence and legal fictions about my alleged misconduct on that day, the extent of which was walking through open doors, the ones with the giant magnetic locks on them that were somehow open.
There was no violence, property damage, or theft of property in my criminal complaint. All they had was that I went to January 6 and that I was a public figure, business owner, and gun owner. So, based on misdemeanors, they waited until I was in the process of moving from the room I was renting in upstate New York to temporarily residing with a friend in Manhattan. I had been there 5 days when the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force arrested me with rifles pointed at my head in the middle of the street.
They destroyed my truck, all of my property, and my friend’s apartment. They seized my laptop, my cell phone, and my guns which were safely stored in a case. Mind you, I had the majority of my property in my truck with me because I was moving.
The FBI knew this because they were tracking my cell phone calls, texts, and internet search history. They then seized my electronics and found out for a fact that not only were there no nefarious plans to take over the government like the media reported, and the government alleged, but that I, in fact was moving from upstate New York to a red state like Texas, Florida, or Arizona where the unconstitutional and illegal gun laws that New York has do not exist.
Please help Sam here.
They didn’t care. Alvin Bragg charged me for my rifle under New York Penal Statute 265.03, criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree, the same statute he used to charge Sadiq Teague, a Black male from Ohio who wound up being killed In a gang-related shooting two years later.
The difference between my case and Teague’s? I was a Trump supporter and was sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison. He got the charges dropped and went on to be killed.
There are countless other examples of how I was targeted and selectively prosecuted by Alvin Braggs’ office. The New York Post reported today that in New York City alone, there are an estimated 65,000 illegal immigrants with felony convictions on their records. Does Alvin Bragg lock them up and deport them?
No, Alvin Bragg targets patriots and good Samaritans like Daniel Penny.
So, now I face a legal hurdle. Even though I was federally given a full and unconditional pardon, I am still on felony parole in New York City and have to report to the NYC gun offenders unit for the next 2.5 and 3.5 years, respectively.
Even though the president and vice president of the United States are in agreement with my theory that I was denied due process and they used entrapment to set me up to trespass on January 6, which led to the raid on my friend’s apartment and the gun charge. This is called the fruit of a poisonous tree. A common defense in appeals.
Please help Sam here.
Of course, if this were any other case where it was determined that the arresting officer and the prosecutor’s office were corrupt as hell and, in fact, orchestrated and induced the crime to happen, the case would be thrown out.
But the law doesn’t mean anything to New York judges.
They are activists who do not prosecute illegal aliens or repeat violent offenders.
They give slaps on the wrist to pedophiles.
A Trump supporter, a January 6er is going to have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting relief. I will have to exhaust all state court appeals before going to federal court and, likely, ultimately, the Supreme Court to find relief.
It will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and even more years of my life. But I will gladly do it for America because the Democrats are indeed the enemy of the constitutional Republic we inherited from our brilliant and courageous Founding Fathers.
The ridiculous New York state and city gun laws are nothing more than a ruse to disarm Americans and turn good citizens like myself into felons. As a result of this lawfare, I spent 34 months in 13 different prisons. I went through hell on my 4-year sentence. Something that should have never happened. I am seeking help.
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