After almost 3 years of non-stop harassment by the DOJ/BOP of my fiancé J6 Political Prisoner Barry Ramey… now the halfway house is holding him hostage!
Since his arrival (almost 8 weeks ago) he’s not allowed to report to his already approved job and was only allowed to come home for 12 hours on Christmas. Dragging their feet on letting him start his life keeps him held hostage with no end in sight!
He should be working, at very least, but the Biden/Kamala administration continues their torment since his release from prison reported here. We thought since his job and home were already approved on day 1 upon arriving at the halfway house, that he would start work the following day (back in November), come home on weekends and be released on his already approved home confinement within a week or two. Not a chance! They continue to punish him!
*** Please help Barry here while he waits in the gallows ***
The cruelty continues. As if the medical neglect in prison, resulting in the need for a heart doctor wasn’t enough, we found out that what food is offered, its egregiously unhealthy, comparable to prison food. As an example, most days a week, pizza is brought in as lunch or dinner for residents. With Barry’s serious cholesterol and heart health issues, this is like a death sentence being offered. In an attempt to evade this, Barry noticed a small amount of lettuce being served on the side. He asked for a larger portion of lettuce instead of the pizza, and he was DENIED! How disgusting is it that they withhold increasing the minuscule healthy portion of it?
Safety is also highly questionable. Last week, while I was leaving the visit with Barry, two police vehicles were stationed outside with lights flashing. Two officers were conversing with people at the front door and then walked inside.
Every time I’ve visited since November, I see residents acting erratically making me believe they are on “some type of behavior altering substance”. Aside from slumping over, what’s highly frightening is men standing in the entrance corner by the restroom, with a strange gaze in their eyes, arms placed high, rapidly tapping their hands/fingers on the wall while facing into the corner.
One guy often comes in and out of the visitation room screaming loud words, using large body movements, swinging arms and erratically jumping up to go out the door and then come back in thru the duration of the visit. It’s terrifying, unpredictable and makes me wonder… why isn’t the halfway house doing something about it?
***Help Barry with food while he waits for job approval***
After a few weeks, a dark immobilizing feeling landed upon realizing the halfway house was not allowing Barry to start his previously approved job. By mid-December the donations ran low and he’s had to skip meals and conserve because the expense of delivery is so high, and he’s not allowed to keep fresh fruits or vegetables in his locker.
They are dragging their feet on everything. Even though the short 12-hour pass for Christmas was originally approved, they claimed it wasn’t because they had not visited the house to personally approve it (after it was already approved by probation) and at the very last minute, the morning before Christmas the Director personally came to our house. I signed the paperwork and was told Barry would be coming to home confinement ASAP with a GPS monitor and the paper I signed was what was needed.
But here we are, well into January, and Barry still can’t come home for the weekend and isn’t allowed to report to his job. We also learned that when he does begin his job, they are likely to take anywhere from 25% to 40% from his paycheck.
The continued punishment and harassment for Barry as a political prisoner at the hands of the DOJ and BOP has been relentless. With almost 3 years of confinement he’s been tortured, medically neglected, unjustly thrown in solitary confinement, labeled a domestic terrorist even though Barry was never charged or convicted of anything related to terrorism. Actual terrorists did not even meet the same scrutiny by the CTU (Counter Terrorism Unit) or BOP while he was in prison. Yet the BOP and DOJ uses taxpayer dollars to scrutinize and monitor his every action while serving his prison sentence and now his Halfway house “imprisonment”.
What is going on?
***Assist Barry and his family while he’s prevented from working***
They’ve tried to break him down by using mental torture while serving his time in federal prison. Everything from threats, solitary confinement, mail being denied, medical treatment being denied…. And now even the halfway house isn’t delivering his newspapers to him daily.
When a person is sentenced to prison, their punishment is going to prison. All of the extra things that were done to Barry Ramey and the J6ers is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Barry speaks about this on January 6th this year wearing his “January 6th is when Legends are Born” shirt here:
This video is about the extra scrutiny that was placed upon the January 6 defendants while they served their time in federal prison. Labels not even given to actual terr*rists that were placed upon us by the upper echelon of the DOJ. @gatewaypundit @julie_kelly2 @JohnStrandUSA… pic.twitter.com/sKPwWqKMcX
— Barry Ramey (@RameyIsRight) January 7, 2025
As we wait for Trump to take office and free the J6ers, we also know the process of following thru on Trumps orders may take an unknown amount of time. We pray for expedition and we also know how the system delays things behind the scenes.
After serving 2.8 years behind bars, he is now being held hostage, leaving him to rot and linger in a disgusting halfway house with erratic residents where police visit. It’s been over a month and a half. With his mother in need of a new surgical procedure and bills piling up, they’re not allowing him to work to do anything about it.
Never in our nation’s history, have we seen political prosecutions that have occurred under this Department of Justice like we have for President Trump and his supporters. Barry Ramey is one of those supporters and it’s my belief that holding him hostage at the Halfway House has something to do with the DOJ & BOP’s continued torture on our J6er men and their families.
Barry just wants to start his job, come home and begin life without being further tortured. But this Administration is using every bit of their last days to take a stand against patriots like Barry. While he waits in the gallows to start his job, please help with expenses for food and his mother’s upcoming surgery here: https://www.givesendgo.com/barryramey
God Bless America!
Osprey Sensei fiancé to J6er Barry Ramey
Donate to Barry at: https://www.givesendgo.com/barryramey
The post J6 Political Prisoner Is Now a Halfway House Hostage – Police Visits, Preventing Work and Home Release, The Torture Continues – How You Can Help appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.