Mason Courson went to Washington, D.C., on Jan 6, 2021, to stand and listen to his President speak, with no ill intent. Unfortunately, the 27-year-old, who was born and raised in South Florida, found himself in a situation he never imagined.
Mason excelled academically and athletically, including playing college football. He loves reading and history. Mason is proud of his Cuban roots and immigrant maternal grandparents, who were honored to become US Citizens.
Mason was held without bond by the Biden administration. And he is unable to support his 4-year-old son, whom he had a month before he was arrested.
Mason pleaded guilty to one count of interfering with an officer.
***You can help Mason here.***
In June, radical District Judge Rudolph Contreras sentenced Mason Courson to 57 months in prison, three years probation, and a $2,000 fine for the felony charge of “assaulting, resisting, or impeding a law enforcement officer with a dangerous weapon.”
Today Mason reached out to The Gateway Pundit family to give an update and to request assistance.
The atmosphere has been absolutely amazing these past few weeks. It’s crystal clear that more than half the nation is content with what happened on November 5, 2024. An extremely decisive victory for President-Elect Donald J. Trump. Perceived by most as a landslide. We can let the votes speak for themselves.
Since the last presidential election, Americans have been calling for election audits, and voicing their opinions on election interference and voter fraud.
We still don’t have sufficient enough election security. It’s an embarrassing fact that a nation of such prestige has this issue. Because of this, there were four years of suffering at the hands of an illegitimate and incompetent administration that cared more for foreigners than its own citizens. They even used a corrupt branch of government, The DOJ, to persecute patriotic citizens and instill fear into the rest.
Unfortunately, it’s a sad truth, realizing that it had to happen this way. The people needed to see how bad things can really get without strong leadership. Whether we like it or not, the government has a huge effect on all of our lives.
In reality, these past four years have been just a small dose of what was to come if this administration were to have continued its agenda.
For me, knowing that this was happening as part of a larger plan has helped me get through uncertain days. Watching the mainstream propaganda headlines daily, just confirmed to me that this was all going to be temporary.
The Ukraine/Israel wars, Russia/China threats, rapid inflation, a failing economy, and unknown amounts of illegal immigrants. Just a few of the major issues our nation is facing, that had an effect on its people.
The disturbing fact is that people really can’t pay rent or buy food for their kids, people are getting killed/raped by illegal immigrants or entire towns are being taken over by immigrant gangs.
To top it off, with all of that, the government is still sending money to foreign countries for their wars. There is a saying that I learned about when I was years younger that applies.
“People don’t think something bad will ever happen to them, until it does.” I have been on the wrong side of that a few times in my life, and unfortunately many, many Americans have got a taste of this reality as well.
So it dawned on me that there was either incredibly less cheating this time around, since the cover of the China-virus was non-existent, or tons of people had epiphanies about their livelihoods or a combination of both. This was a RED WAVE.
***You can help Mason here.***
Now our beautiful nation is entering a new era, what 47 calls a “Golden Age.” Perhaps a long line of Republican/Conservative leaders with foundational morals and senses. It seems like 47 has been integrating the entrepreneurial world into government.
Something that hasn’t happened before at this scale in American history. Nominating self-made, wealthy, intelligent businessmen and veterans to his cabinet.
Leaving the uniparty career politicians behind and their selfish, egotistical interests with them. This is going to disrupt the legacy system that has been dominating our United States for centuries. It’s what our country needs, a fresh start.
As exciting as this momentous transition is, there is still people like myself enduring punishments for exercising our constitutional rights. Freedom of speech, freedom to protest.
These rights should have never been infringed upon. This leaves me and many others in a certainly awkward position.
There have been rumors and numerous public statements about the pardons/clemency for J-6 Hostages and other political prisoners. It leaves me with mixed feelings because it’s already been three+ years and my life has become an everyday prison routine.
I will NEVER get that time back. The worst part is that I have become used to it. I don’t know if I should seriously anticipate a pardon and start making plans for my release early 2025 or should I not put much thought into it because it’s not really going to happen?
Although I do have a halfway house date in March 2025, it’s a huge difference compared to what my situation would be like with a pardon. Can you see the crossroads? Should I get my hopes up?
On one hand, with a pardon, I was just offered an extremely great opportunity to go work with a friend, out of state, that would open the door to countless more ventures in my future.
Plus, my charges would be completely exonerated, not having the status of ‘felon’ would be the best part, by far. Also, there would be no probation. I would be able to be with my family all I want, travel wherever I want, and do/say whatever I desire.
On the other hand, with no pardon, I am basically going to a probationary house (halfway-house) for up to a year, depending on when they want to let me go home.
And, I still don’t know what kind of work availabilities I will have. It’s going to be very difficult to find a job with a felony record. Being monitored at all times about what I say or do. Living under the constant pressure of having Big Brother stalk me. The two different paths I have in front of me are like black and white.
I can not express enough how much I wish for Trump to do the right thing. I know deep down he has to care for us and realizes we did this not just for him but for our country and all Americans.
I know he has hinted at releasing us many times over. It would be nice though, if he came outright and publicly stated he is going to 100% pardon all the J6 Hostages on day one in office.
It would allow all of us the chance to get our affairs in order and prepare to go home with a solid plan. Right now, it feels like I am just being dragged along without a compass or any sense of direction.
There are a few of us in here, at Coleman Low. We talk about this every single day. We don’t know what is going to happen, it’s like the proverbial elephant in the room every time we see each other.
Originally, we wanted Trump to win the presidency so we would have a chance at this. The days leading up to the election were intense enough already.
Now with the victory, we are waiting for his first days in office. Praying. Who knows what is going to happen, God knows, I believe Trump does too. Actually, I want to encourage people to comment on this and let your thoughts be known. I want to know what people think and give any insight.
***You can help Mason here.***
Now the holidays are coming up, my third year absent from the festivities with my wonderful family. To be honest, it hasn’t been any easier as the years pass.
My son is constantly asking about when I am coming home. The other day he drew a picture of his family and it made me tear up because he drew a picture of me. I haven’t been in three of his five years of life, and yet he still thinks about me.
My mother struggles with the stress of her son in prison and supporting me financially, which is no small feat. I know my sister and brother are emotional wrecks from all of this.
We have always been a tight-knit family. Hence, I am really close to my extended mother’s side. They have been longing for my release too. They say Thanksgiving and Christmas haven’t felt the same without me there. It hurts. Hasn’t it been long enough?
To top it off, this year, the family and extended family are renting a log cabin in the Tennessee mountains for New Year’s. They are going to have a blast, especially the kids.
I’m still going to be stuck here, around a bunch of criminals that have no care for me whatsoever. You know, the holidays don’t even feel like the holidays anymore. There is no spirit in here and it drains me. I don’t know if this time of year will ever feel the way it used to for me again, only time will tell. I do know what a great New Year’s gift would be, Mr. Trump.
I am aware of the recent post that 47 put out about Sleepy Joe pardoning his son, Hunter, and comparing the J6 hostages to him. If I can say one thing about that to him right now. “Act on it, and free us!”
***You can help Mason here.***
This time of year is tough for everybody for different reasons. Some may want everything to be perfect, others may just want someone to spend it with; either way, it is an emotional and stressful time. As you can imagine, my family and I have been going through more than we ever thought we would.
I just want to take a moment to ask everyone out there if they can help in any way possible, whatever is available to support us. It’s going to take years for us to recover the lost money.
The time we won’t ever get back, obviously, which is worse. This atrocity has set me back more than I will ever know. I pray I am able to find a stable income and repay my mother for every dollar she has put into my situation.
The legal fees, commissary, traveling for court, visits and events. Additionally, the $2,100 fine that was imposed on me by the court. Sometimes I really think this might not be real, just a nightmare. Wouldn’t that be something, I just wake up one day, like this never happened.
At the end of the day, as much as this all just sucks, I do see everything being better than it was before, in the long term. Although the past few years have been terrible and the short term future still being unpredictable, I try to stay as positive as I can.
I know that God put me in this situation for a reason. He has a plan for me, and it’s a glorious one. Everything happens for a reason.
Please help me however you find necessary and are able to. My givesendgo can be found here.
God bless you all and the best is definitely yet to come.
Mason Courson 78637-509
The post Former College Football Star, Young Father and J6 Political Prisoner Mason Courson Shares Heartfelt Update – Calls for Support as He Faces a Long Road Ahead appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.