By Wayne Allyn Root
Trump just announced a lawsuit for “consumer fraud and election interference” versus the Des Moines Register newspaper and pollster Ann Selzer.
Why is this important?
It’s HUGE. It’s the biggest news of the year. It may be the biggest news of the decade (since Trump came down that escalator at Trump Tower in 2015). Here’s why…
First, this lawsuit is so significant because it shows Trump and the GOP will no longer accept rigged and stolen elections. This fake poll in Iowa was clearly a brazen attempt at fraud and election interference. Democrats were trying to steal 2024 by using a fake poll to gaslight voters. Democrats have used fake news and propaganda to steal elections for far too long.
Now there is a new sheriff in town.
Trump is putting the liars, frauds and scam artists of the Democrat Party, Deep State and DC Swamp on notice. Criminal acts will no longer go unpunished. Finally, someone is doing something about attempts to rig and steal elections.
Ann Selzer’s Iowa poll showed Trump losing Iowa by three points just 48 hours before the election. I instantly knew something smelled rotten in Iowa.
Iowa is Trump country. Trump won Iowa by 8 points in 2020. After four years of Biden, the GOP voter edge in Iowa grew dramatically. I was loudly predicting an electoral landslide and popular vote victory for Trump, yet here was a poll showing Trump losing in a deep red state.
So, I studied the demographics and methodology of the poll. I asked my friend, pollster Patrick Basham of the Democracy Institute, to also analyze the poll. We were both shocked. All the numbers were dead wrong.
We knew instantly “the fix” was in.
We believed this poll was rigged to look terrible for Trump. I wrote that column here at TheGatewayPundit on the Monday before the election, calling it “election interference.”
48 hours later Trump won Iowa by 13 points.
But it was more than the poll methodology that tipped us off. It was the ridiculous national media coverage. Within minutes of this Iowa poll being released, it was all over the national media. How did they know so quickly about an obscure Iowa poll? Why would an Iowa poll be the biggest news story in politics?
This was clearly a pre-planned conspiracy by Kamala’s campaign and the national media. The liberal liars of the media were obviously told in advance to expect a shocking poll that showed Trump losing in a deep red state. The PR wing of the Democrat Party couldn’t wait to scream about a fake poll that painted Trump as a surefire loser. They wanted to demoralize GOP voters 48 hours before the election.
This Trump lawsuit charging “election interference” is significant for many other reasons…
This is Exhibit A for the bribes paid by Democrats, the Deep State, DC Swamp and foreign interests to rig and steal elections. My gut instincts say Ann Selzer was paid handsomely to ruin her reputation, destroy her legacy and retire the next day- all to help Kamala steal the election.
Why else would someone be willing to destroy all the rock-solid credibility and reputation they carefully built over decades? Nothing else makes sense, other than a multi-million “gift” from Kamala’s campaign deposited into an offshore account for Ann Selzer. Again, this is just my opinion, I have no inside information.
Follow the money.
If this can be proved, then we know where much of Kamala’s $1.3 billion stash went. I have no doubt she bribed lots of pollsters, influencers, media and social media with her dirty money.
But this is all part of a much bigger story.
Where did Kamala get all that money? Democrats would have us believe that the worst candidate in history…the most unpopular candidate in history…and the laziest candidate in history (she barely campaigned and had no interest in interviews)…was able to raise a stunning, all-time record $1.3 billion.
If anyone believes that story, I’ve got a bridge to sell you in Las Vegas over the Pacific Ocean.
I’m betting Kamala’s stash was mostly raised from illegal foreign money, transferred in under-the-radar amounts, by foreign interests who needed corrupt Kamala as President. The main suspects would be China, Iran and the Mexican Drug Cartels.
I’m betting this Ann Selzer lawsuit will lead to a much bigger story of money laundering and the funding of Democrat candidates by America’s enemies.
My hope is this lawsuit is a sign Trump is going after everyone in the Democrat Party and Deep State who has been rigging and stealing elections.
The next obvious Trump target should be Biden’s Labor Department. Not only did they make up 818,000 phantom jobs that never existed from March 2023 to March 2024, but even worse, the Philadelphia Fed just found that 100% of the jobs supposedly created by Biden in Q2 of 2024 were fake and non-existent. Talk about election interference.
And of course, the greatest example EVER of election interference is the open border. Democrats waved in 20 million illegal foreign invaders in the past four years to try to steal the 2024 election (and future elections for decades to come). Go after Biden, border czar Kamala, Homeland Security fraud Alejandro Mayorkas and Attorney General Merrick Garland. This was their criminal conspiracy.
President-elect Trump, it’s now your government. It’s now your DOJ and FBI. Start using your law enforcement agencies to investigate the stolen 2020 election and all these cases of brazen election interference.
And once President Trump proves a massive complex conspiracy of voter fraud, money laundering, election interference and stolen elections, it’s time to bring his case to the Supreme Court.
Trump should demand every single Executive Action, regulation and bill passed by Biden in the past four years to be null and void.
The most important criminal conspiracy case in U.S. history all starts in Iowa.
Merry Christmas!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch. Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages! The joke is on Democrats!
The post WAYNE ROOT: With Americans Busy with Christmas Season, Few Noticed the Election Interference Lawsuit by President Trump vs. Iowa Pollster Ann Selzer. Here’s Why This is the Biggest News Story of the Year! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.