Guest post by Joe Hoft at – republished with permission

Democrats have Perfected the Art of Being Two-faced
Guest post by Jack Gleason
Democrats pretend to be friends to “the common man” while insulting them behind their deplorable backs. They purport to tell the truth only to be repeatedly exposed as compulsive liars.
Their duplicity is legendary.
Nowhere is this better understood than when they propose legislation using flowery language in the title to disguise their true intent…
Their Inflation Reduction Act (2022) actually increased inflation through government over-spending.
Their Build Back Better Act (2021) didn’t build much of anything except the budget deficit with its $3.5 trillion price tag.
Perhaps the best example of two-faced language was H.R.1, the “For the People Act,” a comprehensive “voting rights and election reform” bill introduced in 2019 and reintroduced in 2021 using fear of COVID to allow automatic nationwide voter registration, 15 days of early voting, and massive expansion of mail-in voting.
The real goal was to weaken election security across the board to allow Democrat cheating on a massive scale. An honest title would have been “For the Democrats Act.”
Luckily the Republicans filibustered the bill and it didn’t pass, although many of the worst provisions were enacted at the state level.
Omnibus Spending bills and Continuing Resolutions
When Congress fails to do their job to authorize spending, they lump everything into massive “omnibus spending bills” or pass “continuing resolutions” to avoid a “government shutdown.” But rather than simply maintaining funding at the same level to keep the government operating until Congress can go through the proper budget process, they use the opportunity to grant billions to their favorite special interests and pander to their transsexual and urban constituencies by sneaking extra provisions in the fine print.
Here are just a few examples that my friend shared with me…
2023 Omnibus Spending Bill (December 2022):
$3.6 million – Michelle Obama Trail, DeKalb County, Georgia
$3.0 million – American LGBTQ+ Museum, New York City
$2.1 million – Resource Center in Salt Lake City for “diversity and inclusion”
$1.5 million – Universal Hip Hop Museum, Bronx
$2.5 million – LGBTQ+ Community Center expansion, San Francisco
2023 Budget Resolution (September 2023):
$2.7 million – Climate change education center, Portland
$2.0 million – Great Blacks in Wax Museum, Baltimore
$3.2 million – Urban farming initiatives, Chicago
$1.5 million – Congressional Office of Diversity and Inclusion
$2.0 million – LGBTQ+ History Museum, Chicago
$1.9 million – Environmental justice research centers
$2.8 million – Cultural sensitivity training programs for federal employees
2024 Appropriations Bill (March 2024):
$3.3 million – Pollinator-friendly highway initiatives, California – (do bees vote?)
$4.1 million – Gender Studies program expansion at state universities
Perhaps the most disingenuous example of a two-faced continuing resolution was the recent December 19th Democrat/RINO proposal to avoid a government shutdown.
The bill touted much-needed disaster funding to the tune of $110 billion, and $31 billion for farmers, but also included…
$900 million for a Washington Commanders football stadium
$8 billion to rebuild the Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge which collapsed when struck by a suspicious barge
provisions to fund twelve new biolabs
renewal of the embattled Global Engagement Center (GEC) (which Elon Musk described as the “worst offender in US government censorship & media manipulation.”)
Congressman Chip Roy labeled the 1547-page bill “CHRISTMAS CRAMNIBUS” and pointed out that it…
“Violates House Rules requiring at least 72 hours to read legislation
Stops automatic spending cuts required by law
Drives up the deficit by spending $110 billion on unpaid-for, disaster-related spending
Reauthorizes the Second Chance Act, which provides services to violent criminals
Harms refineries by allowing year-round sale of 15% ethanol gasoline
Provides billions in extra funding to the Job Corps, a failed and scandal plagued federal jobs program
Authorizes millions for “Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Programs” to give jobs to foreigners”
More provisions include…
$850k for a gay senior home
$400k for a gay activist group to teach elementary kids about being trans
$500k for a DEI zoo
$400k for a group that gives clothes to teens to help them hide their gender
The legislation also included a “Laws for Thee, Not for We” provision stipulating that members of Congress do not have to participate in the health care system they wrote into law — the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. ObamaCare. But they would still require their staffs to participate.
But there were much more sinister provisions hidden in the almost-decipherable text of the bill.
They proposed to implement H.R.8610 – Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act, which I suggested may be the real reason behind the drone PSYOP. Just like 9/11 was used to scare us into the Patriot Act, (which allowed unfettered spying on American citizens), this new law is Patriot-Act-on-steroids and allows collection of all radio signals and communications and asks us to trust that our privacy will be respected. Nothing could go wrong there, right?
An even more despicable element of the bill, buried deep in Section 605, appears to grant Congress immunity from judicial oversight. The provision on page 343 would compel courts to quash subpoenas seeking information from House offices, raising serious constitutional concerns about the separation of powers.
Oh, and they also give themselves a 40% pay raise.
Thankfully the legislation was stalled due to rigorous opposition from Donald Trump, Elon Musk and the Freedom Caucus.
No matter what happens, these kinds of hidden provisions in Democrat funding proposals reveal the true soul of the Left and their RINO coconspirators. They seek unlimited power to wield in any way they see fit – reward their friends and donors, so they can enjoy their cushy lifestyles where everyone adores and admires them. They commit crimes and hide provisions in their bills to protect themselves from discovery and prosecution. And don’t forget Biden’s penchant for doling out wide-ranging pardons.
Any excess is allowed, as long as it’s in their own interest.
This exposes the pathology of government spending.
Money taken from ordinary Americans is called “appropriations,” “allocations” or “government funds.”
They have no concept that runaway spending causes pain and suffering for families that can no longer afford food or proper medical care. Even when both parents take two jobs, they still can’t pay their credit card or utility bills.
Expensive government programs that don’t work mean citizens die from inadequate health care, unsafe roads, improperly managed diseases, unchecked availability of addictive drugs, and crime that goes unpunished.
Spendthrift government officials hold the same mindset as shoplifters, criminals and embezzlers. “I’m entitled to this. It’s not that much money. They don’t deserve it anyway.”
Democrats and RINOs feel it’s not taxpayers’ money, but theirs to spend.
Why worry about the deficit when they can simply print more money?
It’s all about power. A politician gives money to one group, and they kick some back to his campaign so he can stay in office.
Their ultimate goal is to promote lawlessness and social insanity to destroy faith, family and the United States of America.
Thankfully, a new majority of Americans has reached the tipping point and is no longer standing quietly by. We now realize that two-faced politicians – and the media that carries their water – can never be trusted again.
Next time you see 2,500 pages of legislation, read the fine print and then tell your congressman, “If you vote for this monstrosity we’ll primary you next November.”
Jack Gleason is a common-sense conservative writer. His always-free Substack is For comments or article suggestions, contact
The post Democrats Have Perfected the Art of Being Two-faced appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.