Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

One of my favorite movies has a line that describes the Democrat Party Brand. “Force 10 From Navarone” has Mallory and Barnsby setting their charges within the dam. The blast occurs. But after the blast the dam remains intact. Exclaimed is – “It Didn’t Work!” Miller says, “Let nature takes its course. Give it time and it will work.” Soon the weaken structure begins to crumble and the destroyed dam soon washes away the wicked German Democrat Socialists.
In a similar vein, the dam that has protected the Democrat Party Brand is crumbling. The political reality is the truth stating “Give it time and it will work.”
Cracks in the Brand’s dam…
- Your fear is not intimidating. A nation ruled by fear-mongering is a failed nation. A nation ruled by factual reason is strong. Weak rulers control by fear and intimidation. The Democrat Brand has forgotten that our great nation was born from a bold rejection of a government ruling by fear and intimidation! Remember Gadsen, “Don’t tread on me!”
- Your lawfare is boomeranging. We refuse to accept your delusional accusations against your political enemies. We seek true justice as adjudicated by the Constitutional Laws and NOT by your perversion of those laws. It is time for the “hunted to become the hunters” as justice corrects wrongs!
- Your self-appointed elitism is not respected. Basically, we do not care about you. You are not important to us. You have no respect. You eat your elitism Wagyu while you tell us to eat bugs; you drive gas-guzzlers while you mandate that we must be “eco-friendly” and ban us from combustible engines; you fly around the world in your private jets while we are told that future air travel is going to be restricted. Political elitism has historically been met with humiliation and you will not escape this destiny. Your sad history will be bookended by countless others whose pride has caused their history to be forgotten in the dustbins of “has-been despots and entertainers.”
- Your seizure of our Republic is not working. The citizens of our great Nation are recognizing your constant over-reach; your miserable hypocrisy; and your greedy appetite.
- Your control over “identity groups” has failed. We citizens are AMERICANS and refuse to tolerate your divisive rhetoric! We are individuals that are UNITED in our nation’s great existence.
- Your evil is exposed. Yes, the term “evil” aptly describes the Democrat Party Brand. Look at the goosestep unison in voting on legislature that seeks to destroy the moral and ethical foundation of our Republic. Some wearing the brand “D” claim they do not support such, but look at their voting record. The Regents of the Democrat Brand have their minions whipped into goosestep to support uncivil and immoral legislations. These same Controllers are snugly secure in their bureaucratic command posts. Thus, the heart of the Deep State is secure. POLS will come and go but these Controllers will remain! However, this established evil is now exposed and needs to be eradicated!
- Your WOKEISM has failed to destroy our Republic. The absurdities you mandated and the violence you initiated, are now exposed. Your evil appetite for totalitarian control is exposed. The Democrat Brand is now painted with a broad swath that identifies the political Party as a failed, arrogant, uncivil Brand! As one has noted the November elections proved that Democrats cannot out run their past or their Party! The American citizen is now aware that the Democrat Party has crowned themselves as the Elite. There is neither connection with nor concern for the average American. It is intent on developing a political atmosphere of the “Rulers” and the “Ruled.” This conclusion is impossible to escape. “Despite efforts this cycle to outrun liberal policy proposals…like supporting Black Lives Matter/Defund the Police groups, and even pledging support for unpopular ideas like taxpayer funding for detained illegal immigrants’ sex changes.” You can destroy historic statutes, strip our sports teams of their historic names, erase storied names of school facilities, rename military bases, and attempt other Marxist actions as you seek to control the “proletariat,” but your over-reach has a pay-day coming!
- Your justice is coming to you. You may seek to redefine the Constitutional Law and even attempt to dissuade others from allegiance to that Law saying it is “archaic.” But you have and will continue to fail.
The Failed Brand
I am reminded of the story of the Dutch boy who plugged a leaking dike in Holland. Reread this story and see how it appropriately reveals the failed Democrat Brand. The story makes this remarkable point about the Rulers as they realize their dike is failing.
“What shall we do?” the Burgomaster asked the Council. “We have run out of heroic little boys. At this rate, we may have to plug the leaks with our own fingers.” “That would be moderately inconvenient,” one of the Burghers remarked.
For the Overlords of the Democrat Party Brand to become involved in correcting the malignancy that has invaded our Republic “would be moderately inconvenient.”
So, instead of working to expose and eliminate the corruption that has metastasized in Washington, DC, the corrupt politicians are scurrying to continue their evil. How? Look at these points and you can add more:
- House Democrat Calls for ‘Shadow Government’ to Undermine Trump, with Adam Schiff as Fake AG.
- UN Manager Claims WAR is the Only Way to Make Serious Cash, Says “Lazy” Staff Were Rooting For Nikki Haley For US President Over Trump.
- Smugglers Tell Migrants to Rush to U.S. Before Trump Takes Power.
- Hunter’s blanket pardon The Democrat Brand is a two-tiered justice system that applauds the Elite. “The pardon absolves Hunter of any possible drug involvement, sex trafficking, lobbying, bribery, foreign agent or other crimes involving Ukraine and several other foreign governments or companies including China.” And this absolution is given while patriots are imprisoned for walking into Congress or questioning the election’s integrity! This frames the Democrat Brand and exposes their arrogance.
The Coming Dam Break…
The most recent “let them eat cake” arrogance of Biden’s blanket pardon fittingly illustrates the Democrat Party Brand. Everyone wearing “D” has been and continues to be identified with a political party’s malignancy corrupting our national governing. The malevolence is in total control of the Democrat Party Brand encompassing Federal, State and Local. As the prophet pronounced, “As you continue in your rebellion your head is badly bruised and you are weak all over. From the sole of the foot even to the head there is nothing healthy in it” (The Bible, Isaiah 1:5-6).
The Democrat Party Brand has forgotten that the citizens of the United States of America ARE in control of their nation. It is indeed a government OF the People, BY the People and FOR the People.
Let the elected Politicians remember they serve ONLY BECAUSE the people they represent gave them the authority to speak, to vote, and to uphold the positions of those they Represent!
Let the appointed Bureaucrats remember they serve NOT in a commanding and controlling office but in a position to assist the citizens’ wishes to be QUICKLY realized, even if they disagree! These are not positioned to slow-walk, stymie, or thwart the wishes of the People. Any “civil servant” obfuscating the wishes of the Representative Republic must be confronted, terminated and justly adjudicated.
Illustrating this last point is an article highlighting the position of “civil servants.”
“Rep. Clay Higgins fired off a warning at dirty Chris Wray on Saturday. Higgins told Wray not to distance himself from Washington DC in the coming months. His presence will be requested. The hunters have become the hunted. Chris Wray deserves the same punishment he delved out to the hundreds of J6 families who were set up by Wray, Pelosi, and other Democrats that day. Justice is coming.”
Let all serving in our Representative Republic “be afraid; very afraid” of the Constitutional Justice that they have vowed to uphold and by which they will be examined. The Romans depicted the goddess of Justice as blindfolded because true Justice hears the evidence and does not bias lawfare. Lady Justitia, with balanced scales and sword metes the deserved verdict!
This overshadowing fear justly settled on governing persons is biblical. The Old Testament principle that has historically been repeated in judgments against national leaders forsaking the Lord God Almighty’s moral governing. Jeremiah 48:43, “‘Terror, pit, and snare are coming upon you, inhabitant of Moab,’ declares the Lord” (The Bible).
The Democrat Party Brand, and its political bureaucratic dam, has polluted and corrupted our Republic. These are to expect a justice as described in James 5:1, “Come now, you rich people, weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you” (The Bible).
A devastating announcement was made on June 24, 2024. The “Rapidan Dam in Minnesota is in ‘imminent failure condition’.” The Minnesota Dam was in a precarious state. That announcement sent shock and terror throughout the potential areas. Today another announcement of devastation is being heralded. The political dam of the Democrat Party Brand is in “imminent failure condition.” Those affected should be “afraid; very afraid.”
The destroyed Democrat Party Brand dam needs to wash away the wicked Democrat Socialists.
Justice promises, “Terror, pit, and snare are coming; weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you.”
The post Kachelman: The Democrat’s Dam is in ‘Imminent Failure Condition’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.