Guest post by Joe Hoft at – republished with permission.

Guest post by Martel Maxim
Steve Bannon regularly states how the corrupt Administrative State needs to be burned to the ground, and then that ground salted like Carthage. That salting would preclude the scourge of embedded corruption from ever growing back. However, in order for Steve’s vision to occur, we need to also Burn Down and Salt our Entire Existing Election Ecosystem consisting of Electronic Machines, Electronic Poll Books, unrestricted mail ballots, early voting, late counting, Ballot Banking, Dropboxes, vote by mail, no use of citizen voter ID proof etc.
Now let’s look at some of President Trump’s Popular Vote numbers from a 2nd Grade Math perspective: In 2016, President Trump’s Popular Vote totaled 62.9 Million. In 2020 it was 74.2 Million, and in 2024 he ‘officially’ received 76.9 Million Popular Votes. Second Grade Math tells us that in 2024 he received 2.7 Million Votes more than he did in 2020.
That “Too Big to Rig” whopping increase of 2.7 Million votes comparing 2024 to 2020 had to be the result of the incredible RNC ‘groundgame’, Right? After all, they worked the hell out of Early Voting, Ballot Banking, Chasing the Vote, legal Ballot Harvesting, Door Knocking, Registering new voters, phone-banking, real-time lawsuits, etc.
Something just doesn’t quite make sense however. Does this mean that without all the RNC/TPUSA ‘groundgame’, the Trump Force 47 movement etc., is it possible that President Trump would have even attained his 2020 Popular Vote total in the 2024 Election? In light of this, was 2024 really Too Big to Rig?? President Trump’s rallies filled venue after venue across America, but sadly, all that enthusiasm doesn’t seem to be reflected in his vote totals for 2024. Despite all this, is it possible without all that ‘groundgame’, President Trump might not have even received those additional 2.7 Million more votes in 2024 than he did in 2020?
Not only that, were President Trump’s notable interviews with Joe Rogan and others ineffective, contributing little to none of his 2024 vote total? Also strange, neither did his Mug Shot help in his popularity, the repeated assassination attempts he survived, his demonstrated caring about Hurricane victims, his newly claimed Hispanic and Black support, etc. etc. Actually none of these things seem to be largely significant when it comes to producing a meaningful increased number of votes over his 2020 total, with the success of that 2.7 Million votes being largely claimed by the ‘groundgame’ of the RNC.
Perhaps President Trump’s strategy should have instead centered on campaigning from his basement? Using Joe Biden’s 2020 success as a model, that would have netted President Trump approximately 5 Million votes more, vs. the 2.7 Million he received. So now, let’s take a deep dive under the hood to assess what might have actually happened.
Unless one FIRST acknowledges the work of former Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters, they are missing out on THE absolute key component required to begin understanding how our elections can be manipulated at will. That key component is referred to as the “Election Management Server” (EMS).
Clerk Peters heroically made a legal (and required) backup copy of her EMS prior to a software ‘upgrade’ known as the “Trusted Build. This “Trusted Build” was done via a visit from the election machine contractor. After the “Trusted Build was completed, she then made a backup copy of the new EMS configuration. Next, a team of no-nonsense forensic computer scientists analyzed these before and after images, and what they found within the EMS was startling. The full reports can be viewed at, and while you’re at it, watch the one hour documentary Selection Code to gain knowledge that most people don’t have on this subject. Here’s is a summary of the report findings (that she’s now in prison for):
1) A secret and illegal secondary Election database gets illegally created within the EMS essentially creating ‘a second set of books’ that reports out false vote totals for the Media’s Election coverage.
2) Illegal programs are installed such as Microsoft’s SQL Server that gives backdoor access to the vote total database, allowing for illegal vote flipping.
3) Numerous wireless devices are installed, despite claims that the machines cannot be connected to an external network, allowing for off-site malicious actors to manually intervene in real-time (perhaps this is why CO SOS Jena Griswold’s posted the 600+ online passwords in the news lately). These passwords unequivocally provide remote access to any malicious actor to adjust any election results anytime to achieve selection of pre-determined candidate winners.
Recently similar activities had great success in stealing the Brazilian and Venezuelan elections, with essentially the same systems used in Colorado and across America.
Sure, there’s also the massive and obvious fraud resident within the Electronic Poll Books, ballot box stuffing/harvesting, lack of requirements for proof of US Citizenship, etc., counting early vote ballots and post election ballots for days/weeks, and so on. But what do all these external actions have in common? They all feed the EMS Command & Control brain which in-turn goes against our Constitution, and “Counts all our votes in secret”, while manipulating them as required. Again, to not acknowledge the EMS as the master controller of our elections is to leave out the how and the why our elections are centrally manipulated, usurping the honest votes of our citizens, violating our civil rights, and breaking countless laws in the process.
So why do President Trump’s 2020 vs. 2024 vote totals defy common sense? The only common sense answer is that they were intentionally and electronically manipulated. As part of this, it’s also common sense to assume that President Trump’s numbers were indeed “Too Big to Rig”, however it took a Tsunami of votes which were whittled down to the numbers we see, with a guess that President Trump probably received millions more votes in 2024, resulting in a manipulated “Red Ripple”, giving the manipulators “Plausible Deniability” that no cheating occurred. In other words, they had to let President Trump win, because his popularity and message was so massive, they knew we would easily be onto their tricks if he suffered a manipulated defeat. Their loss was marginally okay with them, because they had a bigger objective to keep their election ecosystem illusion system intact, so they can continue stealing elections in the US and around the world. There isn’t a bigger business anywhere that pays off larger.
Their cover has been blown however, because President Trump’s victory was so massive, their cover-up just doesn’t make sense as described previously. Some of the unsung steady real heroes behind the scenes that greatly contributed to President Trump’s success have been Dan Schultz with his “Precinct Strategy” which finally allowed a path for America First citizens to takeover the Republican Party from RINO/Establishment types who constantly attempt to derail President Trump’s MAGA agenda. Great candidates/leadership have resulted from this movement, such as Kristina Karamo in Michigan who was wrongly ousted because she exposed too much pervasive fraud within the Michigan GOP party, and they were afraid of her. In other states there has also been a concerted effort to nefariously remove all these rightfully elected America First Candidates from the party. So the battle continues. Who is the enemy of America?
Speaking of Battles, the great General Flynn has been involved and supportive of the America First Agenda since the beginning, and he along with The America Project have led the way in getting to the heart of the steal of our elections, which is of course the Election Machine Ecosystem. Gen Flynn is closely aligned with the thinking of Mike Lindell who has put his heart and personal fortune on the line to end the tyrannical era of Electronic Voting Machines. Mike personally funded all the research which led to the publishing of the Tina Peters Mesa County Reports 1-3 and Selection Code, noted above.
So here we are at a crossroads. There is zero doubt that our entire Election Infrastructure centering on machines must be gone with in a year, leaving us just a year from that point until the 2026 midterms, where we must have honest elections. If we don’t have honest elections then, the Senate/House will be stolen for sure.
Do your part now and JOIN THE MOVEMENT. Insist that all Machines must be gone within a year, and be replaced with Hand Counted Paper Ballots, cast and counted only on Election Day at a precinct level. All unrestricted mail out ballots must be terminated, and only used in extenuating circumstances. See to learn how this new paradigm can be accomplished, and we must begin NOW.
The post 2nd Grade Math and the 2024 Election: As Tina Peters Says, “The Truth Matters” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.