Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters has announced that the state has purchased 500 Bibles, which he plans to use in AP government classrooms across the state to once again teach the Christian values this nation was founded upon.
In a separate announcement, Walters announced the implementation of a new Office of Religious Liberty and Patriotism and said a prayer for our country’s new leadership in a video that was sent to all school districts to be played for students and parents. He made it clear that Woke teacher’s unions pushing hatred for America and mocking patriotism and the radical left’s attack on religious liberty in schools will no longer be tolerated.
Watch below.
“Our kids have to understand the role the Bible played in influencing American history,” he said while announcing his Bible program, adding, “It’s very clear that the radical left has driven the Bible out of the classroom, which leads to a lack of understanding of American history.”
“We will not stop until we’ve brought the Bible back to every classroom in the state,” he said, indicating that AP history classrooms are just the beginning.
Per Fox 25, Walters further stated:
“We are focused on ensuring we get Bibles available in every classroom in our state as quickly as we can,” said Walters. “I will take every step possible to ensure Oklahoma students have the resources they need to fully understand American history. By acting now, Oklahoma is leading the country on a path toward greater focus on academic excellence by providing critical historical, cultural, and literary context for our students. We are not going to change our history, and the Bible is a major part of that.”
“This purchase is separate from a larger purchase detailed in a forthcoming Request for Proposal (RFP) from OSDE that will provide Bibles as well as the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution for every classroom in Oklahoma.”
“The Bible is back in Oklahoma’s classrooms. We are getting our kids back on track,” Walters said in an X post.
He further declared in a video statement, “We will not stop until we’ve brought the Bible back to every classroom in the state.”
Walters: I’m excited to announce today that Oklahoma is the first state to bring the Bible back to the classroom. Today, we purchased over 500 Bibles that will be in the AP government classrooms across the state. A Bible just like this. We have the Bible, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights; these are foundational documents in our nation’s history. Our kids have to understand the role the Bible played in influencing American history. It’s very clear that the radical left has driven the Bible out of the classroom, which leads to a lack of understanding of American history. We will not stop until we’ve brought the Bible back to every classroom in the state.
Walters further announced the new Oklahoma State Department of Education’s Office of Religious Liberty and Patriotism in a video message where he prayed for President Trump, parents, students, and teachers.
Walters reportedly sent the video to all school districts and mandated schools to show the video to all students as well as send the video to all parents.
In the clip below, Walters invites students to join him in prayer, clarifying, “You don’t have to join, but if you so wish, I’m going to go ahead and pray.”
We’re excited to announce a new office in the Oklahoma State Department of Education. That will be the Office of Religious Liberty and Patriotism. For too long in this country, we’ve seen the radical left attack individuals’ religious liberty in our schools. We will not tolerate that in Oklahoma. Your religious liberties will be protected. We’ve also seen patriotism mocked and a hatred for this country pushed by woke teachers unions. We will not tolerate that in any school in Oklahoma. We want our students to be patriotic. We want our students to love this country, and we want all students’ religious liberty to be protected.
I will now say a prayer and to be clear, students, you don’t have to join, but if you so wish, I’m going to go ahead and pray.
Dear God, thank you for all the blessings you’ve given our country. I pray for our leaders to make the right decisions. I pray, in particular, for President Donald Trump and his team as they continue to bring about change to the country. I pray for our parents, teachers, and kids they get the best education possible and live high quality lives. I also pray that we continue to teach love of country to our young people, and that our students understand what makes America great and that they continue to love this country. Amen.
The post Oklahoma Superintendent Announces “Oklahoma is The First State to Bring the Bible Back to The Classroom” – Creates Office of Religious Liberty and Patriotism and Prays for Trump in Message to Students (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.